Department of orthodontics
The Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at Sri Balaji Dental College is a speciality department, well equipped with state of the art facilities. It caters to patients with a wide array of dental and skeletal problems with various treatment options. The experienced and well trained faculty handle patients with utmost care and patient comfort in mind.

Depending on the patient’s need, removable appliances are given for minor corrections and maintenance post treatment, preventive or interceptive procedures are suggested during the growing stage to correct developing skeletal discrepancies and fixed orthodontic therapy is carried out for non growing patients. In case of severe skeletal deformities surgical procedures are also advised in conjunction with orthodontic therapy in adult patients for optimum results.

In accordance with patient demands, metal, ceramic, self-ligating or invisible orthodontic appliance i.e Lingual or clear Aligners are offered.

Awareness programmes are conducted by the department to educate the people about the need for correcting malocclusion in the numerous surrounding colleges. This enables to spread the message that crooked teeth need to be corrected not just for esthetic purposes but also for structural balance and functional integrity of the dento-facial structures.

The Department currently imparts UG curriculum for II BDS, III BDS, IV BDS students along with Interns and PG curriculum for MDS students as prescribed by KNR University of Health Sciences, Telangana, in keeping with the norms laid down by the Dental Council of India.


Dr. Shubhaker Rao Juvvadi

Professor & HOD



Dr. Garepally Sravani


Dr. Shivangi Gupta


Dr. Gujjar Shreyas

Sr. Lecturer

Dr. Mohammed Aamir Zia

Sr. Lecturer

Dr. Siddarth Bhogi

Senior Lecturer

S.No.Faculty NameDesignationTitle of PublicationsCategoryAuthorshipYear of PublicationPOINTSPUB MED / NATIONAL SPECIALITY JOURNAL/ UNIVERSITY / Others
1Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head1) White Spot Lesions in Orthodontic Patients: An Expert Opinion. Journal of International Oral Health 2019; 11(4): 172-180I3201915PUB MED
2Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head2) Chapter Contribution to Essentials of Orthodontics by Dr Rohan MascarenhasIII20185TEXT BOOK
3Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head3) Smartphone as an alternative in taking Micrographs in Orthodontics. J Res Adv Dent 2017;6:2s:225-228II3201710 UNIVERSITY
4Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head4) Enamel Agenesis: A Rare Clinical Variant of Amelogenesis Imperfecta. J Res Adv Dent 2016;5:1:402-405II420165UNIVERSITY
5Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head5) Marquardt’s Facial Golden Decagon Mask and Its Fitness with South Indian Facial Traits. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016; 10(4): ZC49-52I5201615PUB MED
6Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head6) A comparative study of the physical and elastic properties of new generation elastomeric ligatures with conventional elastomeric ligatures. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2015;4(2) 91-96II3201510 UNIVERSITY
7Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head7) Orthodontic Surgical management of a case of severe mandibular deficiency due to condylar ankylosis. Indian J Dent Res 2014;25:667-71.I2201415PUB MED
8Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head8) Non-extraction treatment of severe crowding with pendulum appliance. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2013 Jul;5(Suppl 2):S185-9I42013715PUB MED
9Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head9) Natural Head Position : A Review. JORR 2013: 5(1):29-34III120132.5Others
10Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head10)Compromised periodontium – Orthodontic considerations-Journal of Oral Research and Review 2012: 4 (1):15-22III420122.5Others
11Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head11) Non – compliance technique for Class II Correction – A Review. Journal of Oral Research & Review. February 2012; 4(1):41-49III520122.5NATIONAL SPECIALITY JOURNAL
12Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head12) Assessment of skeletal & Dental maturation of short & long face children of south Indian population. J Ind Orthod Society 2012;46(3):148 -153.I6201215Others
13Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head13) Orthodontic Considerations of Traumatised Teeth: A Review. BUJOD 2012: 2(1):68-71II3201210UNIVERSITY
14Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head14) Impacted canines-Etiology, Diagnosis & Orthodontic Management- JPBS 2012:4 (2):s234-s238I320127.5PUB MED
15Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head15) A comparative study of linear measurements on facial skeleton with frontal and lateral cephalogram. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 2012: 3(2): 176-179I420121515) A comparative study of linear measurements on facial skeleton with frontal and lateral cephalogram. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 2012: 3(2): 176-179
16Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head16) Congenitally missing permanent teeth :An unusual case. journal of Oral research and Review 2012;4(2)56-61.III420122.5Others
17Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head18) Comparison of Microleakage in metal brackets bonded using self etching adhesive with and without fluoride release – An invitro study. J Ind Orthod Society 2012;46(4):245-249.I4201215NATIONAL SPECIALITY JOURNAL
18Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head17) Comparative study of palatal rugae pattern in class II div 1 and class I individuals. JPBS 2012:4 (2):s358-s364I4201215PUB MED
19Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head19) Age and Orthodontic Treatment Vol 4: issue 1: 2011: 192-193 (IDA-AP State Branch)III220112.5Others
20Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head20) Physical, mechanical, and flexural properties of 3 orthodontic wires: An in-vitro study AJODO: 138: 5: 623-630: 2010I1201015PUB MED
21Dr. Shubhaker Rao J Prof & Head21) Interceptive Orthodontics: The Need for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Posterior Cross bites. Journal of IAPHD-AP chapter Vol 2: issue 2: 2008: 10-18.III220082.5Others

S.No.Faculty NameDesignationTitle of PublicationsCategoryAuthorshipYear of PublicationPOINTSPUB MED / NATIONAL SPECIALITY JOURNAL/ UNIVERSITY / Others
1Dr Sravani GReader1) Case report on the surgical correction of skeletal Class III by maxillary advancement.Int J Orthod Rehabil.2020; 11: 38-42.III420202.5Others
2Dr Sravani GReader2) Localization of impacted canines- A comparative study of computed tomography and orthopantomography. Journal of Medicine and Life 2020;13(1):56-63I2202015PUBMED
3Dr Sravani GReader3) A Review of Biomarkers in Gingival Crevicular Fluid for Root Resorption. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 2019;9:2:249-253.III1201910Others
4Dr Sravani GReader4) Newer Methods of orthodontic retention. Paripex Indian Journal of research.2019;8:4:45-46.III120195Others
5Dr Sravani GReader5) Crevicular biomarkers of puberty –a systemic review. Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences. 2019;7:1-2:13-17.III120195Others
8Dr Shivangi GuptaReader1) Orthodontic Brackets, Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-3-659-16375-3II1201510INTERNATIONAL E-BOOK
9Dr Shivangi GuptaReader2) The Applicability Of Centrographic Analysis In Pleasing Craniofacial Phenotypes. Asia Pacific Orthodontic Society Trends DOI:10.4103/2321-1407.159411I2201515INTERNATIONAL SPECIALITY JOURNAL
10Dr Shivangi GuptaReader3) A Simplified Approach To Maxillary Molar Intrusion. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 2015;49:226-7I320157.5Others
11Dr Shivangi GuptaReader4) Reliability Of Occlusal Plane: Determinant Of Dentoskeletal Framework In Western Uttar Pradesh Population 2014; 3(4): 7-11.III220145NATIONAL SPECIALITY JOURNAL

S.No.Faculty Name and DesignationTitle of Publication Name of JournalCategory I,II,III
1Dr. K. Vamsi Latha
Staining Adhesive Remnants For Easy RemovalJournal Of Clinical Orthodontics 2013 Nov;47(11):672. PMID:24378545 [Indexed For MEDLINE]I
2Dr. K. Vamsi Latha
Efficacy Of Adhesion Promoters On Compromised Hypocalcified Enamel: Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research 2015 Jul;9(7):ZC09-11. Doi:10.7860/JCDR/2015/13249.6158. Epub 2015 Jul 1 PMID: 26393196 PMCID:PMC4573028I
3Dr. K. Vamsi Latha
Effectiveness Of Various Sensory Input Methods In Health Education Among Blind Children – A Comparative StudyJournal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research; 2015 Oct; 9 (10):ZC75-8. Doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/15499.6686. E Pub 2015 Oct 1. PMID:26557623 PMCID:PMC4625342I
4Dr. K. Vamsi Latha
Botox- A New Voice To Dentistry Indian Journal Of Dental EducationIII
5Dr. K. Vamsi Latha
Cyanoacrylate: An Alternative To Silk Sutures: A Comparative Study. Journal Of NTR University Of Health Sciences;2018:7:108-14II

S.No.Faculty Name and DesignationTitle of Publication Name of JournalCategory I,II,IIIAuthorYear of Publ.Points
1Dr. Siddarth Bhogi
Senior Lecturer
Comparative evaluation and influence of new Optibond eXTRa self-etch Universal adhesive and conventional Transbond XT on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets-An in vitro study• Journal Of Orthodontic Science • DOI: 10.4103/jos.jos_22_22 • PMID: 36188208 • PMCID: PMC9515564I1st Original Research202215
2Dr. Siddarth Bhogi
Senior Lecturer
Orthodontist’s Role in Orthognathic Surgery- A Comprehensive LiteratureLambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-620-5-63948-1II1st International E-Book202310

The Department imparts knowledge and interacts with students who are pursuing their IInd, IIIrd and IVth year as well as Interns of the Undergraduate course.

Over the period of three years the students are made to understand the various aspects that are involved in the development of malocclusions, the underlying mechanisms that are essential to maintain the balance of facial structures and their functions and various age appropriate treatment modalities best suited to the presenting condition of the patient. This is made possible by a combination of the interactive theory sessions as well as the clinical postings. Their clinical training enables them to handle patients with confidence by taking a detailed case history and finally approaching the diagnosis in a stepwise manner after obtaining the necessary clinical records of the patient.

Practical laboratory exercises also split over the duration of these three years help the students develop their dexterity in wire bending skills in a progressive manner. Such skills are of immense importance in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. They are needed in the fabrication of appliances, which the students are trained to make by the end of their IV year.


  1. Introduction, Definition, Historical Background, Aims and Objectives of Orthodontics and need for Orthodontics care.
  2. Growth and Development: In General
    1. Definition
    2. Growth spurts and Differential growth
    3. Factors influencing growth and Development
    4. Methods of measuring growth
    5. Growth theories
    6. Genetic and epigenetic factors in growth
    7. Cephalocaudal gradient in growth.
  3. Morphologic Development of Craniofacial Structures
    1. Methods of bone growth
    2. Prenatal growth of craniofacial structures
    3. Postnatal growth and development of: cranial base, maxilla, mandible, dental arches and occlusion.
  4. Functional Development of Dental Arches and Occlusion
    1. Factors influencing functional development of dental arches and occlusion.
    2. Forces of occlusion
    3. Wolfe’s law of transformation of bone
    4. Trajectories of forces
  5. Clinical Application of Growth and Development
  6. Malocclusion – In General
    1. Concept of normal occlusion
    2. Definition of malocclusion
    3. Description of different types of dental, skeletal and functional malocclusion.
  7. Classification of Malocclusion: Principle, description, advantages and disadvantages of classification of malocclusion by Angle’s, Simon’s, Lischer’s and Ackerman and Proffitt’s.
  8. Normal and Abnormal Functions of Stomatognathic System
  9. Etiology of Malocclusion
    1. Definition, importance, classification, local and general etiological factors.
    2. Etiology of following different types of malocclusion:
      1. Midline diastema
      2. Spacing
      3. Crowding
      4. Crossbite: Anterior/Posterior
      5. Class III Malocclusion
      6. Class II Malocclusion
      7. Deep Bite
      8. Open bite
  1. Diagnosis And Diagnostic Aids
    1. Definition, Importance and classification of diagnostic aids
    2. Importance of case history and clinical examination in orthodontics
    3. Study Models:Importance and uses, Preparation and preservation of study models
    4. Importance of intraoral X-rays in orthodontics
    5. Panoramic radiographs: – Principles, Advantages, disadvantages and uses
    6. Cephalometrics: Its advantages, disadvantages 1. Definition 2. Description and use of cephalostat 3. Description and uses of anatomical landmarks lines and angles used in cephalometric analysis 4. Analysis- Steiner’s, Down’s, Tweed’s, Ricket’s-E- line
    7. Electromyography and its uses in orthodontic
    8. Wrist X-rays and its importance in orthodontics
  1. General Principles in Orthodontic Treatment Planning Of Dental And Skeletal Malocclusion
  2. Anchorage in Orthodontics – Definition, Classification, Types and Stability Of Anchorage
  3. Biomechanical Principles in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
    1. Different types of tooth movements
    2. Tissue response to orthodontic force application
    3. Age factor in orthodontic tooth movement
  4. Preventive Orthodontics
    1. Definition
    2. Different procedures undertaken in preventive orthodontics and their limitations.
  5. Interceptive Orthodontics
    1. Definition
    2. Different procedures undertaken in interceptive orthodontics
    3. Serial extractions: Definition, indications, contra-indication, technique, advantages and disadvantages.
    4. Role of muscle exercises as an interceptive procedure
  6. Corrective Orthodontics
    1. Definition, factors to be considered during treatment planning.
    2. Model analysis: Pont’s, Ashley Howe’s, Bolton, Careys, Moyer’s Mixed Dentition Analysis
    3. Methods of gaining space in the arch: Indications, relative merits and demerits of proximal stripping, arch expansion and extractions
    4. Extractions in Orthodontics – indications and selection of teeth for extraction.
  7. Orthodontic Appliances: General
    1. Requisites for orthodontic appliances
    2. Classification, indications of Removable and Functional Appliances
    3. Methods of force application
    4. Materials used in construction of various orthodontic appliances – uses of stainless steel, technical considerations in curing of acrylic, Principles of welding and soldering, fluxes and anti-fluxes, Preliminary knowledge of acid etching and direct bonding.
  1. Orthodontic Appliances
    1. Removable Orthodontic appliances: Components of removable appliances, different types of clasps, labial bows, springs and their uses
    2. Expansion appliances: Indications for arch expansion, description of expansion appliances
  2. Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
  3. Extraoral Appliances
  4. Myofunctional Appliances
  5. Principles of Surgical Orthodontics: brief knowledge of correction of Mandibular Prognathism and Retrognathism , Maxillary Prognathism and Retrognathism, Anterior open bite and deep bite,Cross bite
  6. Principle, Differential Diagnosis & Methods of Treatment of Midline diastema, Cross bite, Open bite, Deep bite, spacing, crowding, Class II – Division 1, Division 2, Class III Malocclusion – True and Pseudo Class III
  7. Retention and Relapse: Definition, need for retention, causes of relapse, methods of retention, different types of retention devices, duration of retention, theories of retention.



  1. Basic wire bending exercises Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
    1. Straightening of wires (4 Nos.)
    2. Bending of an equilateral triangle
    3. Bending of a rectangle
    4. Bending of a square
    5. Bending of a circle
    6. Bending of U.V.
  2. Construction of Clasps (Both sides upper/lower) Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
    1. 3/4 Clasp (C-Clasp)
    2. Full Clasp (Jackson’s Crib)
    3. Adam’s Clasp
    4. Triangular Clasp
  3. Construction of Springs (on upper both sides) Gauge 24 or 0.5mm
    1. Finger Spring
    2. Single Cantilever Spring
    3. Double Cantilever Spring (Z-Spring)
    4. T-Springs on premolars
  4. Construction of Canine retractors Gauge 23 or 0.6mm
    1. U – Loop canine retractor (Both sides on upper & lower)
    2. Helical canine retractor (Both sides on upper & lower)
    3. Buccal canine retractor: – Self supported buccal canine retractor with
      1. Sleeve – 5mm wire or 24 gauge
      2. Sleeve – 19-gauge needle on any one side.
    4. Palatal canine retractor on upper both sides Gauge 23 or 0.6mm
  5. Labial Bow Gauge 22 or 0.7mm one on both upper and lower arches


  1. Making upper Alginate impression
  2. Making lower Alginate impression
  3. Study Model preparation
  4. Model Analysis
    1. Pont’s Analysis
    2. Ashley Howe’s Analysis
    3. Carey’s Analysis
    4. Bolton’s Analysis
    5. Moyer’s Mixed Dentition Analysis


  1. Case History taking
  2. Case discussion
  3. Discussion on the given topic
  4. Cephalometric tracings
  5. Down’s Analysis
  6. Steiner’s Analysis
  7. Tweed’s Analysis


  1. Adam’s Clasp on Anterior teeth Gauge 0.7mm
  2. Modified Adam’s Clasp on upper arch Gauge 0.7mm
  3. High Labial bow with Apron spring on upper arch
  4. Coffin spring on upper arch Gauge 1mm

Appliance Construction in Acrylic:

  1. Upper & Lower Hawley’s Appliance
  2. Upper Hawley’s with Anterior bite plane
  3. Upper Habit breaking Appliance
  4. Upper Hawley’s with Posterior bite plane with `Z’ Spring
  5. Construction of Activator
  6. Lower inclined plane/Catalan’s Appliance
  7. Upper Expansion plate with Expansion Screw


General Guidelines:

  1. It shall be task-oriented training. The interns should participate in various institutional and field programmes and be given due responsibility to perform the activities in all departments of the Dental Colleges and associated Institutions.
  2. To facilitate achievement of basic skills and attitudes the following facilities should be provided to all dental graduates:
    1. History taking, examination, diagnosis, charting and recording treatment plan of cases.
    2. Presentation of cases in a group of Seminar.
    3. Care and sterilization of instruments used.
    4. Performance and interpretation of essential laboratory tests and other relevant investigations.
    5. Data analysis and inference.
    6. Proper use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs, as well as other therapeutic modalities.
    7. Education of patients, their relatives and community on all aspects of dental health care while working in the institution as also in the field.
    8. Communication aimed at inspiring hope, confidence and optimism.
    9. Legal rights of patients and obligations of dental graduate under forensic jurisprudence.

The interns shall observe the following procedures during their posting in Orthodontics:

  1. Detailed diagnostic procedures for 5 patients
  2. Laboratory techniques including wire-bending for removable appliances, soldering and processing of myo-functional appliances.
  3. Treatment planning options and decisions.
  4. Making of bands, bonding procedures and wire insertions.
  5. Use of extra oral anchorage and observation of force values.
  6. Observe handling of patients with oral habits causing malocclusions.

The dental graduates shall do the following laboratory work:-

  1. Wire bending for removable appliances and space maintainers including welding and heat treatment procedure. – 5 Cases
  2. Soldering exercises, banding & bonding procedures – 2 Cases
  3. Cold-cure and heat-cure acrylisation of simple Orthodontic appliances – 5 Cases

IV BDS Regular Batch – July/August every year
IV BDS Referred Batch – January/February every year

Exam pattern & Marks:

Practical / Clinical100

Distribution of marks:

Theory paper – University Written Exam70
Theory Viva/ Grand Viva20
Theory Internal Assessment Marks (Written)10
Practical Examination (Clinicals) – University90
Practical Internal Marks10

Criteria for a pass:

Fifty percent of the total marks in any subject computed as aggregate for theory, i.e., written, viva voce and internal assessment and practicals including internal assessment, separately is essential for a pass in all years of study.

For declaration of pass in a subject, a candidate shall secure 50% marks in the University examination both in Theory and Practical/ Clinical examinations separately, as stipulated below:

  • A candidate shall secure 50% marks in aggregate in University theory including Viva Voce and Internal assessment obtained in University written examination combined together.
  • In the University Practical/ clinical examination, a candidate shall secure 50% of University practical marks and Internal Assessment combined together.
  • Successful candidates who obtain 65% of the total marks or more shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class. Other successful candidates will be placed in Second Class. A candidate who obtains 75% and above is eligible for Distinction. Only those candidates who pass the whole examination in the first attempt will be eligible for distinction or class.

A candidate pursuing the Masters degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial orthopedics is required to have a deep knowledge of the growth of cranio-facial structures and the anomalies associated with it.

By a combination of hands-on treatment of numerous cases of varying complexities and understanding the biomechanics that underlie the basis of every treatment the student will be able to treat patients under the guidance of the approachable and experienced staff in the department. Students will be required to interact with other dental specialties as well as many patients may need a multi-disciplinary approach for optimized treatment results.

Seminars, journal clubs, conferences and workshops will empower the candidate to gain necessary knowledge and keep in touch with the current trends in the field.

Library dissertation and a Thesis project by the end of the final year help the students gain in depth understanding about the research topic undertaken by them.


Paper-I: Applied Basic Sciences: Applied anatomy, Physiology, Dental Materials, Genetics, Pathology, Physical Anthropology, Applied Research methodology, Bio-Statistics and Applied Pharmacology.

Paper-I: Orthodontic history, Concepts of occlusion and esthetics, Child and Adult Psychology, Etiology and classification of malocclusion, Dentofacial Anomalies, Diagnostic procedures and treatment planning in Orthodontics, Practice management in Orthodontic.

Paper II: Clinical Orthodontics

Paper III: Descriptive and analysing start question


    A. Applied Basic Sciences:

  1. Applied Anatomy:
    1. Prenatal growth of head: Stages of embryonic development, origin of head, origin of face, origin of teeth.
    2. Postnatal growth of head: Bones of skull, the oral cavity, development of chin, the hyoid bone, general growth of head, growth of the face.
    3. Bone growth: Origin of bone, composition of bone, units of bone structure, schedule of Ossification, mechanical properties of bone, roentgenographic appearance of bone
    4. Assessment of growth and development: Growth prediction, growth spurts, the concept of normality and growth increments of growth, differential growth, gradient of growth, methods of gathering growth data. Theories of growth and recent advances, factors affecting physical growth.
    5. Muscles of mastication: Development of muscles, muscle change during growth, muscle function and facial development, muscle function and malocclusion.
    6. Development of dentition and occlusion: Dental development periods, order of tooth eruption, chronology of permanent tooth formation, periods of occlusal development, pattern of occlusion.
    7. Assessment of skeletal age.
  1. Physiology:
    1. Endocrinology and its disorders: Growth hormone, thyroid hormone, parathyroid hormone, ACTH.
    2. Calcium and its metabolism:
    3. Nutrition-metabolism and their disorders: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals
    4. Muscle physiology:
    5. Craniofacial Biology: Adhesion molecules and mechanism of adhesion
    6. Bleeding disorders in orthodontics: Hemophilia
  1. Dental Materials:
    1. Gypsum products: Dental plaster, dental stone and their properties, setting reaction etc.
    2. Impression materials: Impression materials in general and particularly of alginate impression material.
    3. Acrylics: Chemistry, composition physical properties
    4. Composites: Composition starts, properties, setting reaction
    5. Banding and bonding cements:
    6. Wrought metal alloys: Deformation, strain hardening, annealing, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth, properties of metal alloys
    7. Orthodontic arch wires
    8. Elastics: Latex and non-latex elastics.
    9. Applied physics, Bioengineering and metallurgy
    10. Specification and tests methods used for materials used in Orthodontics
    11. Survey of all contemporary literature and recent advances in above mentioned materials
  1. Genetics:
    1. Cell structure, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, cell division
    2. Chromosomal abnormalities
    3. Principles of orofacial genetics
    4. Genetics in malocclusion
    5. Molecular basis of genetics
    6. Studies related to malocclusion
    7. Recent advances in genetics related to malocclusion
    8. Genetic counselling
    9. Bioethics and relationship to Orthodontic management of patients.
  1. Physical Anthropology:
    1. Evolutionary development of dentition
    2. Evolutionary development of jaws
  1. Biostatistics:
    1. Statistical principles • Data Collection • Method of presentation • Method of Summarizing • Methods of analysis – different tests/errors
    2. Sampling and Sampling technique
    3. Experimental models, design and interpretation
    4. Development of skills for preparing clear concise and cognent scientific abstracts and publication
  1. Applied Research Methodology in Orthodontics:
    1. Experimental design
    2. Animal experimental protocol
    3. Principles in the development, execution and interpretation of methodologies in Orthodontics
    4. Critical Scientific appraisal of literature
    1. Applied Pharmacology:

Definitions & terminologies used – Dosage and mode of administration of drugs. Action and fate of drugs in the body, Drug addiction, tolerance and hypersensitive reactions, Drugs acting on the central nervous system, general anesthetics hypnotics, analeptics and tranquilizers. Local anesthetics, Chemotherapeutics and antibiotics. Vitamins: A, D, B – complex group, C & K etc.


Paper-I: Basic Orthodontics

  1. Orthodontic History:
    1. Historical perspective,
    2. Evolution of orthodontic appliances,
    3. Pencil sketch history of Orthodontic peers
    4. History of Orthodontics in India
  1. Concepts of Occlusion and Esthetics:
    1. Structure and function of all anatomic components of occlusion,
    2. Mechanics of articulation,
    3. Recording of masticatory function,
    4. Diagnosis of Occlusal dysfunction,
    5. Relationship of TMJ anatomy and pathology and related neuromuscular physiology.
  1. Etiology and Classification of Malocclusion:
    1. A comprehensive review of the local and systemic factors in the causation of malocclusion
    2. Various classifications of malocclusion
  1. Dentofacial Anomalies:
    1. Anatomical, physiological and pathological characteristics of major groups of developmental defects of the orofacial structures.
  1. Diagnostic Procedures and Treatment Planning in Orthodontics:
    1. Emphasis on the process of data gathering, synthesis and translating it into a treatment plan
    2. Problem cases – analysis of cases and its management
    3. Adult cases, handicapped and mentally retarded cases and their special problems
    4. Critique of treated cases.
  1. Cephalometrics
    1. Instrumentation
    2. Image processing
    3. Tracing and analysis of errors and applications
    4. Radiation hazards
    5. Advanced Cephalometrics techniques including digital cephalometrics
    6. Comprehensive review of literature
    7. Video imaging principles and application.
  1. Practice Management in Orthodontics:
    1. Economics and dynamics of solo and group practices
    2. Personal management
    3. Materials management
    4. Public relations
    5. Professional relationship
    6. Dental ethics and jurisprudence
    7. Office sterilization procedures
    8. Community based Orthodontics.

Paper-II: Clinical Orthodontics

  1. Myofunctional Orthodontics:
    1. Basic principles
    2. Contemporary appliances –design, manipulation and management
    3. Case selection and evaluation of the treatment results
    4. Review of the current literature.
  1. Dentofacial Orthopedics:
    1. Principles
    2. Biomechanics
    3. Appliance design and manipulation
    4. Review of contemporary literature
  1. Cleft lip and palate rehabilitation:
    1. Diagnosis and treatment planning
    2. Mechanotherapy
    3. Special growth problems of cleft cases
    4. Speech physiology, pathology and elements of therapy as applied to orthodontics
    5. Team rehabilitative procedures.
  1. Biology of tooth movement:
    1. Principles of tooth movement-review
    2. Review of contemporary literature
    3. Applied histophysiology of bone, periodontal ligament
    4. Molecular and ultra cellular consideration in tooth movement
  1. Orthodontic / Orthognathic surgery:
    1. Orthodontist’s role in conjoint diagnosis and treatment planning
    2. Pre and post-surgical Orthodontics
    3. Participation in actual clinical cases, progress evaluation and post retention study
    4. Review of current literature
  1. Ortho / Perio / Prostho/Endo inter relationship:
    1. Principles of interdisciplinary patient treatment
    2. Common problems and their management
  1. Basic principles of mechanotherapy includes removable appliances and fixed appliances:
    1. Design
    2. Construction
    3. Fabrication
    4. Management
    5. Review of current literature on treatment methods and results
  1. Applied preventive aspects in Orthodontics:
    1. Caries and periodontal disease prevention
    2. Oral hygiene measures
    3. Clinical procedures
  1. Interceptive Orthodontics:
    1. Principles
    2. Growth guidance
    3. Diagnosis and treatment planning
  1. Retention and relapse:
    1. Mechanotherapy – special reference to stability of results with various procedures
    2. Post retention analysis
    3. Review of contemporary literature
  1. Recent Advances :
    1. Use of implants
    2. Lasers
    3. Application of F.E.M.
    4. Distraction Osteogenesis
    5. Invisible Orthodontics
    6. 3D imaging Digital Orthodontics, Virtual Treatment Planning
    7. CAD-CAM bracket Customization
    8. Robotic Wire Bending
    9. Accelerated Orthodontics
    10. Lingual Orthodontics

Paper-III: Essays (descriptive and analyzing type questions)

PRE – CLINICAL EXERCISES (Should be completed within 3 months)

A general outline of the type of exercises is given here:

  1. General Wire bending exercises .
  2. Clasps, Bows and springs used in the removable appliances.
  3. Soldering and welding exercises.
  4. Fabrication of removable, habit breaking, functional appliances, space maintainers and space regainers.
  5. Bonwill Hawley Ideal arch preparation.
  6. Construction of orthodontic models .
  7. Cephalometric tracing and various Analyses, also superimposition methods
  8. Typodont exercises.
  9. Clinical photography
  10. Computerized imaging
  11. Preparation of surgical splints, and splints for TMJ problems.
  12. Handling of equipment like vacuum forming appliances and hydro solder etc.

Basic Pre-Clinical Exercise Work for the MDS Students:

  1. Clasps: ¾ Clasps, Triangular Clasps, Adam’s clasp , Modification of Adam’s – With Helix ,Southend Clasp , Labial Bows- Short labial bow (upper & lower) ,Long labial bow (upper & lower) , Split high labial bow , Springs:  Double cantilever spring, Coffin spring , T spring
  2. Appliances: Hawley’s retention appliance with anterior bite plane , Upper Hawley’s appliance with posterior bite plane, Upper expansion appliance with expansion screw , Habit breaking appliance with tongue crib , Oral screen and double oral screen , Lip bumper , Splint for Bruxism , Catalans appliance , Activator, Bionator , Frankel-FR 1& 2 appliance ,Twin block , Lingual arch , TPA , Quad helix . Utility arches , Pendulum appliance, Canine Retractor(Marcotte & PG Spring)
  3. Soldering exercises: Star/Comb/Christmas tree
  4. Study model preparation
  5. Model analysis – Mixed and permanent Dentition
  6. Cephalometrics:
    1. Lateral cephalogram to be traced in different colors and superimposed to see the accuracy of tracing
    2. Vertical and Anterio-Posterior Cephalometric analysis
    3. Soft tissue analysis – Holdaway and Burstone
    4. Various superimposition methods
  7. Basics of Clinical Photography including Digital Photography:
  8. Typodont exercises: Begg or P.E.A. method/Basic Edgewise: Teeth setting, Band pinching, welding brackets and buccal tubes to the bands .


Once the basic pre-clinical work is completed in three months, the students can take up clinical cases and the clinical training. Each postgraduate student should start with a minimum of 50 fixed orthodontics cases and 20 removable including myofunctional cases of his/her own. Additionally he/she should handle a minimum of 25 transferred cases. The start of cases can be as follows:

  1. Removable active appliances
  2. Class-I malocclusion with Crowding
  3. Class-I malocclusion with bi-maxillary protrusion
  4. Class-II division – 1 • Class-II division – 2
  5. Class-III (Orthopedic, Surgical, Orthodontic cases)
  6. Inter disciplinary cases
  7. Removable functional appliance cases like activator, Bionator, functional regulator, twin block and new developments
  8. Fixed functional appliances – Herbst appliance, jasper jumper etc
  9. Dento-facial orthopedic appliances like headgears, rapid maxillary expansion, NiTi expander etc.,
  10. Appliance for arch development such as molar distalization
  11. Fixed mechano therapy cases (Begg, PEA, Tip edge, Edgewise, lingual)
  12. Retention procedures of above treated cases.

Final MDS University exam – Theory Papers

Sl. NoPart I: Paper IPart II: Paper IPart II: Paper IIPart II: Paper III
ScheduleAt the end of 1st yearAt the end of 3rd yearAt the end of 3rd yearAt the end of 3rd year
SyllabusApplied anatomy, Physiology, pathology, Genetics, physical Anthropology and dental materialDiagnosis and treatment planningClinical Orthodontics and Mechano therapyEssay
Duration3 Hours3 Hours3 Hours3 Hours
Marks distribution10 Questions of 10 Marks each2 Questions of 25 Marks each & 5 questions each 10 marks2 Questions of 25 Marks each & 5 questions each 10 marks1 Essay of 100 Marks


The university examination shall consist of theory, practical, clinical examination, viva-voce and Pedagogy.


Part-I: Shall consist of one paper : There shall be a theory examination in the Basic Sciences at the end of 1st year of course. The question papers shall be set and evaluated by the concerned Department/Specialty. The candidates shall have to secure a minimum of 50% in the Basic Sciences and shall have to pass the Part-I examination at least six months prior to the final (Part-II) examination.

Part-II: Shall consist of Three Theory papers, Practical & Clinical Examination with Viva-voce & Pedagogy at the end of 3rd year of course.

  1. Theory Papers – I, II & III – 300 Marks (100 Marks for each Paper)
  2. Practical and Clinical Examination – 200 Marks
  3. Viva-voce and Pedagogy – 100 Marks


Clinical/practical examination is designed to test the clinical skill, performance and competence of the candidate in skills such as communication, clinical examination, medical/dental procedures or prescription, exercise prescription, latest techniques, evaluation and interpretation of results so as to undertake independent work as a specialist. The affiliating university shall ensure that the candidate has been given ample opportunity to perform various clinical procedures.

The practical/clinical examination in all the specialities shall be conducted for six candidates in two days. Provided that practical / clinical examination may be extended for one day, if it is not complete in two days.


Viva voce examination aims at assessing the depth of knowledge, logical reasoning, confidence and communication skills of the students.


Theory: Part-I: Basic Sciences Paper – 100 Marks

Part-II: Paper-I, Paper-II & Paper-III – 300 Marks (100 Marks for each Paper)

Written examination shall consist of Basic Sciences (Part-I) of three hours duration shall be conducted at the end of First year of MDS course. Part-II Examination shall be conducted at the end of Third year of MDS course. Part-II

Examination shall consist of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III, each of three hours duration. Paper-I & Paper-II shall consist of two long answer questions carrying 25 marks each and five questions carrying 10 marks each. Paper-III will be on Essays. In Paper-III three Questions will be given and the student has to answer any two questions. Each question carries 50 marks. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. Distribution of topics for each paper will be as follows:

Theory : 400 Marks

    1. Part I University Examination (100 Marks): There shall be 10 questions of 10 marks each (Total of 100 Marks)
    2. Part II (3 papers of 100 Marks):-

i. Paper-I: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (Total of 100 Marks)
ii. Paper-II: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (Total of 100 Marks)
iii. Paper III: 2 out of 3 essay questions (50 x 2 = 100 Marks)

Practical and Clinical Examination : 200 Marks

Viva-voce and Pedagogy : 100 Marks


Practical / Clinical Examinations: Practical / Clinical examination shall be conducted to test the knowledge and the competence of candidates for undertaking independent work as a specialist / teacher.

1st day

  1. Examination and Case History taking of myo- functional appliance case for fabrication and delivery on the 2nd Chair side viva
  2. Bite registration & Chair side viva.
  3. Clinical Exercise (in the form of Begg’s Stage III wire bending or Bracket placement in PEA technique & Preparation of an arch wire with loop etc.)
  4. Examination of the treated cases
  5. Examination of the pre clinical exercises.
  6. Presentation of dissertation.
  7. Handing over the selected long case for next day presentation.

2nd day

  1. Delivery of the previous day’s Functional Appliance. Chair side viva.
  2. Presentation of Long Case for Discussion
  3. Dissertation presentation & pedagogy and Viva-voce


Criteria for Pass & Award of Division:

  • A minimum of 50 % marks in theory
  • A minimum of 50% marks in practical/clinical & Viva put together
DivisionPercentage Aggregate of Marks (Theory + Practical +Viva)Remarks
Pass50%Single/Multiple attempts
Second Class51 to 64%Diagnosis and treatment planning
First Class65 to 74%Part-l & II shall be cleared in Single & first attempt only
Distinction75% & abovePart-l & II shall be cleared in Single & first attempt only

  • Basic wire bending exercises Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
  • Construction of Clasps (Both sides upper/lower) Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
  • Construction of Springs (on upper both sides) Gauge 24 or 0.5mm
  • Construction of Canine retractors Gauge 23 or 0.6mm
  • Labial Bow Gauge 22 or 0.7mm one on both upper and lower arches


  • Making upper Alginate impression
  • Making lower Alginate impression
  • Study Model preparation
  • Model Analysis


  • Case History taking
  • Case discussion
  • Discussion on the given topic
  • Cephalometric tracings
  • Down’s Analysis
  • Steiner’s Analysis
  • Tweed’s Analysis


  • Adam’s Clasp on Anterior teeth Gauge 0.7mm
  • Modified Adam’s Clasp on upper arch Gauge 0.7mm
  • High Labial bow with Apron spring on upper arch
  • Coffin spring on upper arch Gauge 1mm

Appliance Construction in Acrylic:

  • Upper & Lower Hawley’s Appliance
  • Upper Hawley’s with Anterior bite plane
  • Upper Habit breaking Appliance
  • Upper Hawley’s with Posterior bite plane with `Z’ Spring
  • Construction of Activator
  • Lower inclined plane/Catalan’s Appliance
  • Upper Expansion plate with Expansion Screw
  • Detailed diagnostic procedures for 5 patients
  • Laboratory techniques including wire-bending for removable appliances, soldering and processing of myo-functional appliances.
  • Treatment planning options and decisions.
  • Making of bands, bonding procedures and wire insertions.
  • Use of extra oral anchorage and observation of force values.
  • Retainers.
  • Observe handling of patients with oral habits causing malocclusions.

Our Vision

To Develop Sri Balaji Dental College into a centre of excellence in Dental Education.

To provide access to the highest quality oral health care for mass population of rural areas.


  • Department Of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Radiology
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Department of Periodontics
  • Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  • Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
  • Department of Oral Pathology
  • Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
  • Department of Orthodontics and Dento Facial Orthopedics
  • Department of Public Health Dentistry
  • Department of Dental Anatomy & Oral Histology
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology
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Est. Since 2014

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