Periodontics is that branch of dentistry which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathologic conditions of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth and dental implants. At the Department of Periodontology, we educate dental students, a discipline focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease and in the placement of dental implants — in a setting that emphasizes sound biological principles and evidence-based approaches.

Training of both undergraduates and postgraduates encompasses several areas of periodontal health, immunity and regeneration, microbiology in periodontal infection, epidemiology and outcome assessments. With separate undergraduate and postgraduate sections having well equipped modern dental chairs and advanced surgical equipment, the department emphasizes on quality and precision in the standard of care. Clinical skills training in non-surgical and preventive periodontal procedures and opportunities to master a variety of periodontal surgical and implant procedures has been at the motto of the department. Students are also encouraged to participate in international and national level conferences, workshops and symposia.

Dr. Avula Haritha

Professor & HOD

Dr. E. Manaswini


Dr. Matharasi Greeshma


Dr. C. Yashaswini



S.No.Title of the articleName of the journalCategory I/II/IIIAuthorshipYear of PublicationPoints
1Syndromes as they relate to periodontal diseasePeriodontology 2000I1201115
2Efficacy of modified minimally invasive surgical technique in the treatment of human intrabony defects with or without use of rhPDGF-BB gel – a randomized controlled trialJournal of Clinical PeriodontologyI2201215
3Periodontal findings in oral submucous fibrosis patients and comet assay of affected gingival epithelial cellsJournal of PeriodontologyI3201215
4Orofacial Myiasis of the Gingiva and Nasal Cavity- A Report of Two Cases and General ReviewJournal of PeriodontologyI220117.5
5Volumetric analysis of intra bony defects in aggressive periodontitis patients following use of a novel composite alloplast: A pilot studyQuintessence internationalI5201115
6The adjunctive use of systemic antioxidants therapy(lycopene) in Non surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: A Short –term evaluationQuintessence InternationalI2201015
7KAP assessment of oral health and adverse pregnancy outcomes among pregnant women in Hyderabad, IndiaOral Health Prev Dent.I1201215
8Periodontal findings in a patient with Mauriac syndrome: A case reportSpecial Care Dentistry association and Wiley periodicalsI1201215
9Effect of Diclofenac Mouthwash on Postoperative Pain after Periodontal Surgery.J Clin Diagn ResI3201715
10Evaluation of Cyclosporine A with β-TCP in the Treatment of Human Infra bony Defects - A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.J Clin Diagn Res13201715
11Periodontal research. Basics and beyond. - part I (defining the research problem, study design and levels of evidence)Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI1201315
12Periodontal research. Basics and beyond. – part II (ethical issues, sampling, outcome measures and bias)Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI1201315
13Periodontal research. Basics and beyond. – part III (data presentation, statistical testing,interpretation and writing of a report)Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI1201315
14Horizontal alveolar bone loss: A periodontal orphan.Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI4201015
15Tele-periodontics - Oral health care at a grass root level.Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI1201515
16Authors, authorship order, the moving finger writes.Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI220157.5
17Is anti-platelet therapy interruption a real clinical issue? Its implications in dentistry and particularly in periodontics.Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI420097.5
18Novel and often Bizarre strategies in the treatment of periodontal disease.Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI320127.5
19Role of dentifrice in plaque removal: A clinical trialIndian Journal of dental researchI3201015
20Oral health related quality of life in periodontal patients in Indian Rural population: Does it rally impact and relevant to all types of populations ?J Indian Assoc Public Health DentI4201115
21Periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes-The oral fetal connectionJournal of Gynaecologic surgeryIII220115
22The Micronucleus test to evaluate cytogenetic damage in patients with periodontitis.Journal of Periodontology and Implant dentistryIII120125
23Gingival hyperplasia in a case of acute myeloblastic leukemia – Importance of early diagnosis and dentist’s role.Deccan Dental JournalIII120095
24Career opportunities in periodontics: A road map to the futureJournal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI220207.5
25Models of Periodontal disease pathogenesis: A journey through timeJournal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI1202215

S.No.TitleName of the journalCategory I/II/IIIAuthorshipYear of PublicationPoints
1Association between nutritional status and early childhood caries in Indian childrenJournal of international society of preventive and community dentistryI2201715
2Coronally advanced flaps with amniotic membrane in the treatment of gingival recession: Three case reportsInternational journal of applied and basic medical researchI420197.5
3Clinical crown lengthening by surgical extrusion of tooth using periotomeJournal of research and advancements in dentistryII420175
4Validity and reliability of a questionnaire for measuring oral health-related quality of life in tobacco usersIndian journal of multidisciplinary dentistryIII220175
5Evaluation of prevalence and severity of gingival pigmentation and its correlation with skin complexionScholars academy journal of biosciencesIII120175
6Comparison of efficacy of herbal solutions in chronic gingivitis patients- A microbiological studyScholars academy journal of biosciencesIII420175

S.No.TitleName of the journalCategory I/II/IIIAuthorshipYear of PublicationPoints
1Evaluation of efficacy of photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal therapy in treatment of chronic periodontitis patients: A clinico-microbiological studyInternational journal of dental researchI6201615
2A comparison of free rotated papillary autograft combined with coronally advanced flap and coronally advanced flap alone in treatment of class I and class II gingival recessions – A microsurgical approach.International journal of current researchIII320175
3Periodontal disease associated with Marfans syndrome.International journal of current researchIII320162.5
4Periodontal vaccineInternational journal of medical science and innovative researchIII120205

S.No.TitleName of the journalCategory I/II/IIIAuthorshipYear of PublicationPoints
1Evaluation of efficacy of tongue cleaning with and without aloe vera oral gel in the management of halitosisJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences III120175
2Comparative evaluation of CD4/CD8 ratio and absolute eosinophil count in chronic periodontitis patients versus healthy subjects- A clinico-biochemical study Scholars Academic Journal of BiosciencesIII220165
3Career opportunities in periodontics: A road map to the futureJournal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI320197.5
4Association of insulin resistance with periodontal disease – Cause or effectInternational Journal of Dental Science and Innovative ResearchIII420212.5
5Models of Periodontal disease pathogenesis: A journey through timeJournal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyI220227.5

Undergraduate training extends over two years, which caters to both theoretical education in the form of lectures, and clinical learning in the form of discussions, demonstrations and patient treatment.

As a part of this extensive training, a student gains thorough knowledge regarding the normal structures of the periodontium, various diseases affecting periodontal structures, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, along with the fundamentals of implantology and recent advances in the field.

Clinical sessions during postings enable a student to diagnose a case precisely, following a systematic clinical examination and propose a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs. Students shall acquire skills, in case presentation, performing preventive and non-surgical periodontal procedures, under the scrutiny of well-trained faculty.


  1. Introduction: Definition of Periodontology, Periodontics, Periodontia, Brief historical background, Scope of Periodontics
  2. Development of periodontal tissues, micro-structural anatomy and biology of periodontal tissues in detail Gingiva. Junctional epithelium in detail, Epithelial-Mesenchymal interaction, Periodontal, ligament Cementum, Alveolar bone.
  3. Defensive mechanisms in the oral cavity: Role of-Epithelium, Gingival fluid, Saliva and other defensive mechanisms in the oral environment.
  4. Age changes in periodontal structures and their significance in Geriatric dentistry Age changes in teeth and periodontal structures and their association with periodontal diseases
  5. Classification of periodontal diseases Need for classification, Scientific basis of classification, Classification of gingival and periodontal diseases as described in World Workshop1989
  6. Gingival diseases Localized and generalized gingivitis, Papillary, marginal and diffuse gingivitis Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, symptoms and management of
  1. Plaque associated gingivitis
  2. Systemically aggravated gingivitis (sex hormones, drugs and systemic diseases)
  3. ANUG
  4. Desquamative gingivitis-Gingivitis associated with lichen planus, pemphigoid, pemphigus, and other vesiculobullous lesions
  5. Allergic gingivitis
  6. Infective gingivitis-Herpetic, bacterial and candidia
  7. Pericoronitis
  8. Gingival enlargement (classification and differential diagnosis)

7 Epidemiology of periodontal diseases

  1. Extension of inflammation from gingiva, Mechanism of spread of inflammation from gingival area to deeper periodontal structures, Factors that modify the spread
  2. Pocket Definition, signs and symptoms, classification, pathogenesis, histopathology, root surface changes and contents of the pocket
  3. Etiology – Dental Plaque (Biofilm) Definition, New concept of biofilm, Dental calculus, Iatrogenic and contributing factors, Trauma from occlusion, Influence of systemic diseases.
  4. Risk factors Definition. Risk factors for periodontal diseases 1
  5. Host response – Mechanism of initiation and progression of periodontal diseases
  6. Periodontitis – Etiology, histopathology, clinical signs & symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of adult& aggressive periodontitis
  7. Diagnosis – Routine procedures, methods of probing, types of probes, (According to case history), Halitosis: Etiology and treatment. Mention advanced diagnostic aids and their role in brief.
  8. Prognosis
  9. Treatment plan
  10. Periodontal therapy A. General principles of periodontal therapy. Phase I,II, III, IVtherapy.

– Plaque control

  1. Mechanical tooth brushes, interdental cleaning aids, dentifrices
  2. Chemical; classification and mechanism of action of each & pocket irrigation

18.Pocket eradication procedures
– Scaling and root planing:
– Curettage &present concepts
– Flap surgery

  1. Osseous Surgery & Osseous defects in periodontal disease

– Other regenerative procedures; root conditioning

– Guided tissue regeneration

  1. Mucogingival surgery &periodontal plastic surgeries
  2. Splints – Periodontal splints
  3. Hypersensitivity Causes, Theories & management
  4. Implants Definition, types, scope &biomaterials used. Periodontal considerations: such as implant-bone interface, implant-gingiva interface, implant failure, peri-implantitis & management
  5. Maintenance phase (SPT)
  6. Pharmaco-therapy – Periodontal dressings, Antibiotics & anti-inflammatory drugs, Local drug delivery systems
  7. Periodontal management of medically compromised patients, Topics concerning periodontal management of medically compromised patients
  8. Inter-disciplinary care
  9. Systemic effects of periodontal diseases in brief
  10. Infection control protocol Sterilization and various aseptic procedures
  11. Ethics


  1. Diagnosis, treatment planning and discussion and total periodontal treatment – 25 cases
  2. Dental scaling, oral hygiene instructions – 50 complete cases/ equivalent
  3. Assistance in periodontal surgery – 5 cases
  4. A work record should be maintained by all the students and should be submitted at the time of examination after due certification from the head of the department. Students should have to complete the work prescribed by the concerned department from time to time and submit a certified record for evaluation.


General Guidelines:
It shall be task-oriented training. The interns should participate in various institutional and field programmes and be given due responsibility to perform the activities in the departments.

To facilitate achievement of basic skills and attitudes the following facilities should be provided to all dental graduates:

History taking, examination, diagnosis, charting and recording treatment plan of cases.

Presentation of cases in a group of Seminar.

Care and sterilization of instruments used.

Performance and interpretation of essential laboratory tests and other relevant investigations.

Data analysis and inference.

Proper use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs, as well as other therapeutic modalities.

Education of patients, their relatives and community on all aspects of dental health care while working in the institution as also in the field.

Communication aimed at inspiring hope, confidence and optimism.

Legal rights of patients and obligations of dental graduate under forensic jurisprudence.

The interns shall perform the following procedures during their posting in Periodontics:

  • Pre-clinical suturing exercise on cast
  • LASER hands on exercise on vegetables
  • Diagnosis and formulation of treatment plan suitable to patient needs
  • Ultrasonic scaling
  • Abscess drainage
  • Assistance and observation of various periodontal surgical procedures.

Postgraduate curriculum is well structured to provide an overall education in periodontology, which encompasses a blend of knowledge and skill. The student is required to have an in-depth understanding of theoretical concepts, acquire proficient clinical skills, and also understand the basic tenets of research. Over three years, a student attains sufficient practice, to carry out a wide variety of non-surgical and surgical periodontal procedures, through numerous preclinical and clinical exercises. Students are encouraged to perform advanced surgical procedures, incorporating the principles of regeneration, tissue engineering, and perio – esthetics, under the guidance of experienced staff. The importance of interdisciplinary periodontics and perio-systemic inter-relation is emphasized.

Regular academic sessions in the form of seminars and journal clubs, are an integral part of the curriculum, which are designed to instill critical thinking in the student. Postgraduates are motivated to participate in various conferences and workshops thereby updating themselves with the current trends in the field. Dissertation and short research projects constitute another essential element of postgraduate training program which will allow the students to imbibe the importance of research and evidence-based clinical practice.




  1. Development of the Periodontium
  2. Micro and Macro structural anatomy and biology of the periodontal tissues
  3. Age changes in the periodontal tissues
  4. Anatomy of the Periodontium
    • Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy
    • Blood supply of the Periodontium
    • Lymphatic system of the Periodontium
    • Nerves of the Periodontium
  1. Temporomandibular joint, Maxilla and Mandible
  2. Nerves of periodontics
  3. Tongue, oropharynx
  4. Muscles of mastication


  1. Blood
  2. Respiratory system – knowledge of the respiratory diseases which are a cause of periodontal diseases
  3. Cardiovascular system
    1. Blood pressure
    2. Normal ECG
    3. Shock
  4. Endocrinology – hormonal influences on Periodontium
  5. Gastrointestinal system
    1. Salivary secretion – composition, function & regulation
    2.  Reproductive physiology
    3. Hormones – Actions and regulations, role in periodontal disease
  6. Family planning methods
  7. Nervous system
    1. Pain pathways
    2. Taste – Taste buds, primary taste sensation & pathways for sensation


  1. Basics of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, proteins, – enzymes and minerals
  2. Diet and nutrition and periodontium
  3. Biochemical tests and their significance
  4. Calcium and phosphorus


  1. Cell structure and metabolism
  2. Inflammation and repair, necrosis and regeneration.
  3. Immunity and hypersensitivity
  4. Circulatory disturbances – edema, hemorrhage, shock, thrombosis, embolism, infarction and hypertension
  5. Disturbances of nutrition
  6. Diabetes mellitus
  7. Cellular growth and differentiation, regulation
  8. Lab investigations
  9. Blood


  1. General bacteriology
    1. Identification of bacteria
    2. Culture media and methods
    3. Sterilization and disinfection
  2. Immunology and Infection
  3. Syetemic bacteriology with special emphasis on oral microbiology – staphylococci, genus actinomyces and other filamentous bacteria and actinobacillusactinomycetumcomitans
  1. Virology
    1. General properties of viruses
    2. Herpes, Hepatitis virus, HIV virus


  1. Mycology
    1. Candidiasis
  2. Applied microbiology
  3. Diagnostic microbiology and immunology, hospital infections and management.


  1. General pharmacology
    1. Definitions, Pharmacokinetics   with clinical applications, routes of administration including local drug delivery in Periodontics
    2.   Adverse drug reactions &drug interactions
  1. Detailed pharmacology of
    1. Analgesics, Opiod and nonopiod
    2. Local anesthetics
    3. Haematinics and coagulants, Anticoagulants
    4. Vit D and Calcium preparations
    5. Antidiabetics drugs
    6. Steroids
    7. Antibiotics
    8. Antihypertensive
    9. immunosuppressive drugs and their effects on oral tissues
    10. Antiepileptic drugs
  1. Brief pharmacology, dental use andadverse effects of
    1. General anesthetics
    2. Antypsychotics
    3. Antidepressants
    4. Anxiolytic drugs
    5. Sedatives
    6. Antiepileptics
    7. Antihypertensives
    8. Antianginal drugs
    9. Diuretics
    10. Hormones
    11. Pre-anesthetic medications
  1. Drug therapy of
    1.    Emergencies
    2.     Seizures
    3.    Anaphylaxis
    4.    Bleeding
    5.    Shock
    6.      Diabetic ketoacidosis
    7.     Acute addisonian crisis
  2. Dental Pharmacology
    1.    Antiseptics
    2.    Astringents
    3.     Sialogogues.
    4.    Disclosing agents
    5.     Antiplaque agents
  3. Fluoride pharmacology


  1. Introduction, definition and branches of biostatistics
  2. Collection of data, sampling, types, bias and errors
  3. Compiling data-graphs and charts
  4. Measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode)
  5. Tests of significance (chi square test’t’ test and Z-test)
  6. Null hypothesis



  1. Classification of periodontal diseases and conditions
  2. Epidemiology of gingival and periodontal diseases
  3. Defense mechanisms of gingiva
  4. Periodontal microbiology
  5. Basic concepts of inflammation and immunity
  6. Microbial interactions with the host in periodontal diseases
  7. Pathogenesis of plaque associated periodontal diseases
  8. Dental calculus
  9. Role of iatrogenic and other local factors
  10. Genetic factors associated with periodontal diseases
  11. Influence of systemic diseases and disorders of periodontium
  12. Role of environmental factors in the etiology of periodontal disease
  13. Stress and periodontal diseases
  14. Occlusion and periodontal diseases
  15. Smoking and tobacco in the etiology of periodontal diseases
  16. AIDS and periodontium
  17. Periodontal medicine
  18. Dentinal hypersensitivity


Clinical and Therapeutic Periodontology and Oral Implantology

  1. Gingival inflammation
  2. Clinical features of gingivitis
  3. Gingival enlargement
  4. Acute gingival infections
  5. Desquamative gingivitis and oral mucous membrane diseases
  6. Gingival diseases in the childhood


  1. Periodontal pocket
  2. Bone loss and patterns of bone destruction
  3. Periodontal response to external forces
  4. Masticatory system disorders
  5. Chronic periodontitis
  6. Aggressive periodontitis
  7. Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis


  1. History, examination, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning
  1. Clinical diagnosis
  2. Radiographic and other aids in the diagnosis of periodontal diseases
  3. Advanced diagnostic techniques
  4. Risk assessment
  5. Determination of prognosis
  6. Treatment plan
  7. Rationale for periodontal treatment
  8. General principles of anti-infective therapy with special emphasis on infection control in periodontal practice
  1. Halitosis and its treatment
  2. Bruxism and its treatment

B. Periodontal instrumentation

  1. Instrumentation
  2. Principles of periodontal instrumentation
  3. Instruments used in different parts of the mouth

C. Periodontal therapy

  1. Preparation of tooth surface
  2. Plaque control
  3. Anti microbial and other drugs used in periodontal therapy and wasting diseases of teeth
  4. Periodontal management of HIV infected patients
  5. Occlusal evaluation and therapy in the management of periodontal diseases
  6. Role of orthodontics as an adjunct to periodontal therapy
  7. Special emphasis on precautions and treatment medically compromised patients
  8. Periodontal splints
  9. Management of dentinal hypersensitivity

D. Periodontal surgical phase – special emphasis on drug prescription

  1. General principles of periodontal surgery
  2. Surgical anatomy of periodontium and related structures
  3. Gingival curettage
  4. Gingivectomy technique
  5. Treatment of gingival enlargements
  6. Periodontal flap
  7. Osseous surgery (resective and regenerative)
  8. Furcation; Problem and its management
  9. The periodontic – endodontic continuum
  10. Periodontic plastic and esthetic surgery
  11. Recent advances in surgical techniques

E. Future directions and controversial questions in periodontal therapy

  1. Future directions for infection control
  2. Research directions in regenerative therapy
  3. Future directions in anti-inflammatory therapy
  4. Future directions in measurement of periodontal diseases

F. Periodontal maintenance phase

  1. Supportive periodontal treatment
  2. Results of periodontal treatment


  1. Introduction and historical review
  2. Biological, clinical and surgical aspects of dental implants and treatment planning
  3. Diagnosis and treatment planning
  4. Implant surgery
  5. Prosthetic aspects of dental implants
  6. Diagnosis and treatment of Peri implant complications
  7. Special emphasis on plaque control measures implant patients
  8. Maintenance phase



1Principles of instrumentation including sharpening
3Suturing –Cloth, cast and simulab.
4Periodontal pack handling
5GCF collection
6Blood collection and preparation of PRF
7Hands on Laser and electrosurgery on vegetables
8Hands on soft tissue grafting procedures on pig jaws

1Applied periodontal indices
2Full mouth case history with discussion
3Local drug delivery
4Occlusal adjustment and splinting
6Crown lengthening procedure
9Laser assisted minor surgical procedures
10Electrosurgery procedures
11Access flap surgery – Modified Widman flap – Kirkland flap – Apically positioned flap – Papilla preservation flap
12LASER assisted new attachment procedure
13Resective osseous surgery
14Regenerative procedures using Bone grafts
15Guided tissue regeneration
16Regenerative procedures using PRF
17Root coverage procedures – free soft tissue and pedicle grafts
18Gingival depigmentation
19Papilla reconstruction
20Dental implants
21Guided bone regeneration techniques – Ridge augmentation
22Sinus lift procedure
23Inter-disciplinary procedures
  • Diagnosis, treatment planning and discussion and total periodontal treatment – 25 cases
  • Dental scaling, oral hygiene instructions – 50 complete cases/ equivalent
  • Assistance in periodontal surgery – 5 cases
  • A work record should be maintained by all the students and should be submitted at the time of examination after due certification from the head of the department. Students should have to complete the work prescribed by the concerned department from time to time and submit a certified record for evaluation.

  • Principles of instrumentation including sharpening
  • Splinting
  • Suturing –Cloth, cast and simulab.
  • Periodontal pack handling
  • GCF collection
  • Blood collection and preparation of PRF
  • Hands on Laser and electrosurgery on vegetables
  • Hands on soft tissue grafting procedures on pig jaws


  • Applied periodontal indices
  • Full mouth case history with discussion
  • Local drug delivery
  • Occlusal adjustment and splinting
  • Gingevectomy/gingivoplasty
  • Crown lengthening procedure
  • Frenetomy/frenotomy
  • Vestibuloplasty
  • Laser assisted minor surgical procedures
  • Electrosurgery procedures
  • Access flap surgery – Modified Widman flap
    • Kirkland flap
    • Apically positioned flap
    • Papilla preservation flap
  • LASER assisted new attachment procedure
  • Resective osseous surgery
  • Regenerative procedures using Bone grafts
  • Guided tissue regeneration
  • Regenerative procedures using PRF
  • Root coverage procedures – free soft tissue and pedicle grafts
  • Gingival depigmentation
  • Papilla reconstruction
  • Dental implants
  • Guided bone regeneration techniques – Ridge augmentation
  • Sinus lift procedure
  • Inter-disciplinary procedures
  • Pre-clinical suturing exercise on cast
  • LASER hands on exercise on vegetables
  • Diagnosis and formulation of treatment plan suitable to patient needs
  • Ultrasonic scaling
  • Abscess drainage
  • Assistance and observation of various periodontal surgical procedures.

Our Vision

To Develop Sri Balaji Dental College into a centre of excellence in Dental Education.

To provide access to the highest quality oral health care for mass population of rural areas.


  • Department Of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Radiology
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Department of Periodontics
  • Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  • Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
  • Department of Oral Pathology
  • Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
  • Department of Orthodontics and Dento Facial Orthopedics
  • Department of Public Health Dentistry
  • Department of Dental Anatomy & Oral Histology
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology
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Dental Departments

Est. Since 2014

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